Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Headbangers!

This is a MASSIVE THANK YOU!! for making 2013 the biggest year of my life so far. There's a lot of awesome stuff we did together in the last 12 months, so I wanted to make a small scrapbook type thing for all the really big things that we did!

Hollywood Trash

These guys are crazy. Hilarious, crazy, and holy hell we had some fun gigs together!

Tour was a big eye opener for me. While meeting some way cool people along the way, I also learned a lot about myself as a singer, as a writer, and about my own personal limits. 

Riot Underground

Riot Underground was a blast. These days will forever have a place in my heart haha, so many good times. Honestly the pictures pretty much speak for themselves.

Boston and Berklee, Semester 1

Moving to Boston this summer was pretty tough. But, it was really nice to hear from you each day through your wonderful comments and messages. Thanks for keeping the loneliness at bay.

Also, the support you showed for my choice to move to study at Berklee has been overwhelming. I have seen my writing and singing skills improve hugely in the last threeish months, so I hope that in the continuation of my studies here, I will be able to write and sing cooler stuff for you!

Oh, and I dyed my hair all black. I'm so dark. hahahah

Seven Spires (the new stuff)

Finally, we welcomed some new members to our family! Our new longhaired brothers from Seven Spires and I have been working a lot behind the scenes, polishing up our show and getting ready to head into the studio to get the songs recorded properly. I've also continued to write for the album. Each song gets better than the last, so I want to write loads and then pick the best from the lot. (By the way-- If you're curious about what happens behind the scenes, I've been posting a fair bit to my Instagram account lately (adrienne_cowan). Usually it's stuff about demos, rehearsals and the new look that I'm working on. Band silliness and coffee is of course a given, too.)

I also want to thank you for your patience with this, it is a very long process but I think putting the extra time in to finding the right musicians, studios, producers etc will be worth it. I am totally in love with this project, and I have a feeling you'll like it too.

Thank you for taking this exciting journey with me. We have definitely had some awesome times together in 2013. This new year, I will continue to work as hard as possible to improve my songs and performance and to deliver the best I can to you. If all goes roughly according to plan, this will mean some kind of release (EP or full length album), lots and lots of shows, and who knows what else!

I hope you're having as much fun as I am, and I hope you all had a wonderful time with your loved ones this holiday season. Here's to another year full of bigger and more epic music and more kickass times together, hopefully see you on the road soon. Much love.


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